Overview: Deliveries

In Media Manager, deliveries are anything you send or receive. Deliveries of all types contain media. Media Manager allows you to manage and track your deliveries and offers flexibility in workflow to accommodate different processing needs and scenarios. For example, when receiving deliveries that contain data sets of differing priority levels, you are able to process high priority data immediately into the Review tool, and copy low priority data to your organization's network to be processed at a later time. You are able to monitor the status of each of these tasks in Media Manager.

There are two kinds of deliveries in Media Manager:

  • Incoming Delivery

  • Outgoing Delivery

Incoming deliveries are any case-related media you receive from clients, experts, service providers or related sources. Outgoing deliveries are any case-related media you send (typically to your clients or opposing counsel).


Related Topics

Add New Incoming Delivery

Add New Outgoing Delivery

Add Media to Your Delivery

Copy Data to Network

Process Data Locations