Overview: LIVE EDA

An OPEN DISCOVERY LIVE EDA (Early Data Assessment) case lets you perform searches on live content across multiple repositories prior to collection. Data from the selected live locations and custodians is made available in the same, single-pane search engine, LIVE EDA Search. OPEN DISCOVERY users can collaborate in the same LIVE EDA case to perform searches. The scope of each search can be set as desired and all search results can be previewed, tagged, and commented on.

This effective and collaborative process allows you to reduce the data set, so only the relevant data is promoted to the connected OPEN DISCOVERY LIVE EDA Review case.

This function is also explained in educational content on the IPRO Learning Center. Click the following link to be redirected to the course: Keeping You in the Know: OPEN DISCOVERY - An Introduction to LIVE EDA

ClosedAbout LIVE EDA Cases

A LIVE EDA case allows you to assess live data, residing in multiple and various live locations, by searching it in-place, from the OPEN DISCOVERY interface. This eliminates any risk associated with keeping multiple copies of the data. Centralizing and simplifying the data collection process improves responsive rates and response times while reducing the total overhead and number of departments involved. By enabling effective collaboration in the same LIVE EDA case, the assessment of the live data can be streamlined and requirements for outside Counsel reduced.

You can reduce the risk of exposing personal or sensitive data and breaching compliance regulations by automating Classification of PCI, PHI, and PII. You can also create a LIVE EDA case dedicated to Legal Hold to ensure preservation of the case data.

An OPEN DISCOVERY LIVE EDA case can connect to previously configured live locations and their associated custodians. By including the live locations in the LIVE EDA case, all data in the live data source can be accessed. The selection of custodians defines the specific user data included in the LIVE EDA case. The items/documents then become available in the LIVE EDA Search interface, where they can be searched according to the desired scope. For instance, you can enter specific keywords in Quick Searches, build complex search queries in Advanced Search, or perform specific data type searches, for example, an Instant Messages search.

A Case Administrator can enable Case Scope to ensure that only the search results are visible and available to those working in the LIVE EDA case.

You can preview each search result and also apply tags and comments to selected item(s) or document(s). When you are satisfied with the search, you can promote all or selected results to the OPEN DISCOVERY LIVE EDA Review case.

You can create an OPEN DISCOVERY LIVE EDA case to place case data on Legal Hold. When Legal Hold is applied to the LIVE EDA case, the case content cannot be deleted by anybody. It is a best practice to create a LIVE EDA case dedicated specifically to the Legal Hold. For more information, see Work in LIVE EDA Case .

By viewing and investigating the data before sending it to Review, you can ensure that the promoted data set is relevant. This minimizes the total volume of data that is promoted, which reduces cost and allows for evidence to be found more quickly.

ClosedAbout Creating LIVE EDA Cases

To create a LIVE EDA case, you must configure the integration of OPEN DISCOVERY and LIVE EDA services. Additionally, you must connect to the desired, external data sources and configure your Indexing and Archiving setup. After all configuration tasks have been completed, the connectors and associated custodians can be included in the LIVE EDA case.

Note: For more information about how to configure integration, see Configure LIVE EDA. For more information about how to complete all configuration tasks in the LIVE EDA Admin UI, start with Configure Locations. Then, to ensure all users are mapped, consult Configuring User Mapping. To make the live data accessible and searchable in the LIVE EDA case, set up and run the required indexing and archiving jobs. For example, consult Configuring Teams Indexing and Configuring Teams Archiving, or Configuring Slack Indexing and Configuring Slack Archiving.

A LIVE EDA case is created in the OPEN DISCOVERY Case Management module. A LIVE EDA case can be added to a new or existing Managing Client, Client, and Code Name, and can be created together with or independently of a Processing and a Review case. For more information, see Create LIVE EDA Case. A previously created LIVE EDA case can be edited at any time. To learn more, see Edit LIVE EDA Case Settings.

A LIVE EDA case is opened in the LIVE EDA module in OPEN DISCOVERY. In the LIVE EDA Search interface, search results can be promoted to OPEN DISCOVERY and the corresponding LIVE EDA Review case.


Related Topics

Configure LIVE EDA

Create LIVE EDA Case

Work in LIVE EDA Case

Edit LIVE EDA Case Settings

Review LIVE EDA Case