Media Manager FAQs

Expand the options below to find the answers to our most common questions about the Media Manager module.

ClosedHow do I create a Copy Station?

ClosedHow do I add attachment images to my media record?

You must set an attachment path within the System Manager. See Define Media Attachment File Path for more information.

ClosedHow do I process additional data from an existing piece of media?

  1. Reopen the media entry.

  2. Select Create and Process Data Location. See Process Data Locations for details.

ClosedWhen processing additional data from an existing media, the option to scan the drive is no longer available. Why?

Scanning can only be done prior to processing.

ClosedMy progress gauges are not making any progress. Why?

Usually, this is caused by the eCapture Worker being turned off. Contact your administrator to turn on the worker.

ClosedI received a hard drive and would like to document a picture of the drive – is there a way to do this in Media Manager?

Yes, in addition to logging details about the media, a photo may be uploaded and attached to the media entry.

ClosedWill Media Manager process forensic archives?

You can utilize Media Manager to open and parse portions of the forensic file for processing. This allows you to process only certain portions of the forensic image without having to process everything which may not be needed.

ClosedCan I search based on the Media Manager fields (i.e. size, location, source type) within the Review module?

Yes, the Media Manager fields can be added to the results grid. See Work with Search Results for details.


Related Topics

Overview: Media Manager

Understand the Media Manager Interface