Customize a Case (Project)

In addition to setting the Streaming Discovery Job options and the Streaming Filter options, see the following list to apply additional case settings.

ClosedPassword Handling

Note: These settings are available at the project level but apply to all jobs created for the project.


Passwords that are known to exist in the dataset can be added to the known password list for a new Case (ProjectIn ADD, the level beneath Client in the hierarchy. Projects can have one or more Custodians.). When a password protected file is encountered during processing, the system will go through the list of known passwords when attempting to open and extract the contents. Archives have passwords applied during regular Jobs. Individual files are handled in StreamingThe process of automatically copying, processing, filtering and loading data into review systems. Jobs only.

Applicable documents, during QCQuality Control. A process performed on a Processing Job to ensure accuracy of the final, delivered data. QCing can be performed on one, some, or all available categories and/or one, some, or all flags (Passed QC, Text Missing, Low Priority, etc.), are flagged with the QC Flag 12 - Protected. This flag is set when encountering encrypted, ndigital encrypted, documents with protected sections, or password protected files for Office and PDF documents. Presently, passwords in the list will not be applied to password protected files within archives, password protected files, or password protected mailstores.

In QC, the Password Applied flag applies to Streaming DiscoveryProcess used to determine file type(s) to later be processed. The process of making data known to the eCapture system and assigning an index value to this data. Jobs only.

  1. Click Discovery Options tab > Password Handling tab to display the Known Password List.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Enter a password (one password per line - do not include delimiters) and hit the enter key to go to the next line.
  4. Repeat step 3 for each password that needs to be added to the list.
  5. Click the Done button.

ClosedLoading a Password List

If a list of passwords already exists, it can be loaded for the project. The list should contain one password per line.

  1. Click the Load button. The Open dialog appears.
  2. Navigate to the password list.


ClosedSet Export Interval

An Export Interval value is set to determine how often an ADDAutomated Digital Discovery Streaming Discovery Job will pull document families for Export

The export interval setting dictates how often documents are exported to the specified export destination (Ipro Eclipse or Relativity). Note: This option is not available unless an Export Series is selected or a new Export Series is created.

As of version 2016.2.0, the default setting was changed from 5 minutes to 30 minutes for new Case (Projects), where no System default options are in place. This change was made to reduce the number of created exports from large Streaming Discovery Jobs to better manage the volume of exports. Any Streaming Discovery Jobs initiated under Cases (Projects) created prior to version 2016.2.0, the 5 minute default setting remains.

The maximum setting is 60 minutes. If an existing Export Series is selected and the export interval is set to 0, only one Export Job will be created upon completion of the Ipro ADD Streaming Discovery JobIn eCapture, a single directory is chosen to run the discovery job from in order to determine file types. During the discovery process, the MD5 hash for files (sans container files) are calculated and indexing occurs..

As documents are created, Export Jobs are continuously created (based on the export interval setting). Each Export Job is started immediately upon creation regardless of job size.

Only completed families are considered for export. Generally, the longer the interval setting, the more documents per Export Job. The ADD Streaming Discovery Job may complete before all the Export Jobs complete; however, it will not be marked as Complete until the last set of documents start to export.

The Export Jobs inherit the settings from the parent Export Series; including the numbering schema. For direct export to the Review application (Eclipse or Relativity), the same eCapture auto-load rules apply: one load file per volume.

ClosedAbout ADD Case Templates

Ipro cases (in both ADD Processing and ADD Review are defined with many settings. In ADD, basic case details are defined (such as case name, application environment).

The built-in Ipro templates may be used or customized templates may be created and used in place of the supplied default templates. You can replace the template Processing and Export Series INI files as well as the Review case CSE default file.


Please be cautious about doing this and ensure that your new template files work as expected prior to replacing them!!

The default template files that the ADD Web case creation process uses are stored on the web server at the following location: C:\Program Files\Ipro Tech\Web\ADDServices\App_DataComprises documents, numbers, files, emails, and any other information stored on a digital device. In eCapture, refers to the electronic files that are discovered and processed.

These templates are part of the ADD installation. To replace the files, make sure you use the exact same file names as the existing template files and feel free to copy or rename the existing ones in the event you would need to reference them at a later time.






  • Processing case

  • Processing & Review case

Settings for ADD Processing discovery/processing jobs


  • Processing & Review case

Settings for ADD Processing export jobs


  • Review case

  • Processing & Review case

Settings for ADD Review document evaluation and review (fields, tags, redactions, etc.)


Note: Administrators can create templates from within each ADD product for use in ADD instead of the default templates or to replace the default templates. If you choose to replace the default templates, it is strongly recommended that you first save the original Ipro templates to an appropriate back-up/archive location.


Further customization can be done in Review such as tags, coding forms, redaction palettes, pick lists, etc.