Workflow: Create a New Production Job

Applies To: Ipro for desktop

In this article

Complete the Required Prerequisites

1. Open the Production Tab in Administration

2. Select the Documents to Include in the Production Set

3. Address Production Shield Issues

4. Select Output Options

5. Select Image Options

6. Select Endorsement Options

7. Select Print Options

8. Review Production Settings

9. Complete Production

Related Topics


This article provides instructions on how to create a new production job in the Administration module in Ipro for desktop. For an overview of Projection Jobs in the Administration module, see Overview: Production.

Review the diagram below for more information on the steps taken to create a production job. You can click on the numbered steps in the image to jump to a specific task in the workflow.



Complete the Required Prerequisites




Configure Production Shield

Production Shield prevents specified documents from being inadvertently included in a production output. A saved public search, which can be created beforehand or when you configure Production Shield, is used to identify the documents that should not be produced.

Configure Production Shield

Complete the Review Process

Complete the review process. In most cases, the document review process should be completed before you produce a document set. Documents should be tagged, redacted, and annotated so that you will be able to create appropriate production set(s)

Workflow: Review a Case

Plan your Production

  • Identify which documents are to be produced—whether it is an entire case, a subset, or specific documents. Identify them by image key (BEGDOC field) before you begin.

  • Determine what types of files should be produced.

  • If a production template exists that matches some or all of the production settings needed, identify the template to be used.

Planning task outside of the application

Backup the Database

Before running a production, it is recommended that you back up your database to preserve a snapshot the production.

Back Up/Archive and Restore Case Data



Closed1. Open the Production Tab in Administration

To create a production job, you must first open the Production tab in the Administration module.

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Administration module.

  2. Click on the Production tab at the top of the page.
  3. Expand the Production tab in the left pane.
  4. Click on the Create Production menu item.

After completing this step, you may decide to use an production template. The production template allows you to maintain consistency in the output of various production jobs. To use a production template, see Use a Production Template otherwise, continue with the steps outlined in this topic.

Closed2. Select the Documents to Include in the Production Set

To select the documents to be included in the production set:

  1. In the Select Case list, click the name of the case containing the documents to be produced. Note:

    • If needed, click the Refresh button to update the list.

    • To find a case in a long list of cases, enter the case name or the beginning of its name in the Case Name field at the bottom of the list and press Enter or click . Administration will highlight the first case matching your entry.

  2. NOTE: Production images (the images, annotations, and other aspects of the case, such as redaction color) will match those of the case when it is first selected.

    If any changes occur in the case after it is selected for production and you want those changes reflected in the production job, select a different case, then re-select the case to be produced. Production settings made to that point will remain in effect.

  3. If you will be producing load files and want the data sorted in a specific way, select up to three fields for sorting and the sort order (ascending or descending). The example above shows that load file data will be sorted first by author, then by the creation date.

  4. To include related documents in the production set, select Include Family Relationships.

  5. NOTE: If you are producing load files with a particular sort order, parent documents will be sorted and related documents will be listed after the parent, in order by the sort field(s).

  6. Select the needed documents using one of the following methods:

ClosedSelect documents by searching

To search for and select the documents for the production set:

  1. In the Select Documents area of the Select Production Set workspace, click the Search tab.

  2. Click the Execute Search button to open the Advanced Search dialog box.

  3. Define and run the search. For details on searching, see the Use Advanced Search.

  4. Depending on what occurs, complete one of the following steps:

    • If Production Shield is configured and you receive a message regarding Production Shield conflicts, go to the section titled Address Production Shield Issues.

    • If you do not receive an error message, then either Production Shield is not configured or there are no conflicts. The number of documents found will display in the lower right corner of the Search tab; continue with step 5.

  5. Click Use Search, then go to the section titled Select Output Options.

ClosedSelect a range of documents

To select the range of documents to be included in the production set:

  1. In the Select Documents area of the Select Production Set workspace, click the Select Range of Documents tab, shown in the following figure.

  2. Complete step 3, 4, 5, or 6 to select the documents to be produced.

  3. To specify a range of image keys:

    1. Click Select BEGDOC Range.

    2. In the corresponding field, enter needed image keys (those for the first page of each needed document).

    3. Use a tilde (~) to indicate a range and a comma (,) to separate individual documents as shown in the example on the tab.

    4. Skip to step 7.

  4. To specify a maximum number of documents (beginning with the first document in the case):

    1. Click Select Maximum Number of Documents.

    2. Enter the desired maximum number. This is the total number of documents, not pages. (If you enter 100, for example, and each document has 10 pages, then the total production will be 1,000).

    3. Skip to step 7.

  5. To use a plain text (.TXT) file containing needed image keys:

    1. Click Select a file that contains a list of BEGDOC keys to produce.

    2. Type the full path and filename of the file to be used or click to select the file, then click OK.

    3. The file should include one image key per line and/or one range of image keys per line. Indicate a range with a comma. For example, consider a set of single-page documents beginning with image key ABC-001. To produce the first two documents along with documents 100 through 300, the file would include the lines shown in the figure below.

    4. Skip to step 7.

  6. To produce all documents in case: Click Select Entire Case.

  7. NOTE: Producing an entire case may take significant time, depending on your system resources and case size. Plan such a production accordingly, such as during off-hours.

  8. To include documents related to the set of production documents, select Include Family Relationships.

  9. When the document range is specified, click Use Range for Production,

  10. Depending on what occurs, complete one of the following steps:

    • If Production Shield is configured and you receive a message regarding Production Shield conflicts, go to the section titled Address Production Shield Issues.

    • If you do not receive an error message, then either Production Shield is not configured or there are no conflicts – continue with Select Output Options.

Closed3. Address Production Shield Issues

After selecting documents as described in the previous procedures, if Production Shield is configured and any of the documents in the set of documents you have selected are protected by Production Shield, you will receive an error message similar to the following:

Click one of the message buttons as described in the following table:

Production Shield Responses




Clicking Cancel ends the Production Shield evaluation and allows you to select different documents for the production (a different search or range of documents).

Alternatively, you might check the Production Shield tab in Case Management to see what criteria are being used and then:

  • Return to Production and select documents that will not meet the search criteria, or

  • Change the Production Shield search criteria.

IMPORTANT! Do not change the search criteria unless you are certain that a different search will protect the right documents.

If you do change the search criteria, log out of Administration, then log back in to ensure the changes are reflected in Production.


Clicking No allows you to remove the shielded documents and continue with production. The following message appears after you click No.

  • Click Yes to continue the production; go to the section titled Select Output Options.

  • If you click No here, perform the actions described for the Cancel button above.


Clicking Yes allows you to review a list of protected documents:

  1. Click Yes and save a text file containing the list.

  2. Open the file and review the protected documents.

  3. Return to Administration and click Yes or No to the waiting message (see previous figure), depending on your review.

  4. Take one of the following actions:

    • If you click Yes here to continue the production, go to the section titled Select Output Options.

    • If you click No here, perform the actions described for the Cancel button above.

Closed4. Select Output Options

Once the document set is specified, select output options described in the following sections and primarily in the order presented here.

ClosedDefine output type and output folders

Complete the following steps to define production output basics.

  1. If the Output Options workspace does not appear after you select a document set, click Output Options in the Production navigation panel.

  2. Primary output type: In the Output Type section of the workspace, select one of the following:

    • Native Only: Produce native files from your case. See Native Files option in step 3, too.

    • Images: Produce image files from your case.

    • PDF: Produce PDF files (based on image files). If you want PDF files that can be searched in Adobe Reader or other PDF viewer, also select the Searchable option.

    • Print: Produce paper output

  3. Secondary output type: Select additional output formats as described in the following table.

  4. Secondary Output Types



    Native Files

    Select this option to include native files (if they are part of the case).

    Note: If you select Native Only as your primary output this option will be automatically selected. If a NATIVE field is not defined for the case, the Native Files option will not be available. If the field is defined, selecting the option allows existing native files to be included with the production.

    Additional options for native file types are described in Select OCR and Native File Options.

    Page OCRa

    Select this option to produce editable text (.TXT files) (from EXTRACTEDTEXT field or existing .TXT files).

    Word Coordinates

    Applies to .DLF and .LFP files. If word coordinates currently exist for the case, select this option to include them in .DLF and/or .LFP files (which you select separately).

  5. To remove or include pages based on certain page tags:

    1. Click Page-Level Exclusions.

    2. In the needed area of the dialog box (Page-level Exclusions or Page-level Inclusions), expand the tag group containing the tag(s) upon which pages should be excluded or included.

    3. Select the page tag and click the applicable Add Selected Tag button (add to Exclusion List or add to Inclusion List).

    4. Repeat these steps to exclude or include pages based on other tags.

    5. When all tags have been selected, click Done.

  6. Click Folder Options to define how files will be organized in folders. By default, files are organized by type in separate folders based on the output you have selected in the previous steps. These folders will reside in volume folders. See the section titled Define Output Options for details on defining volumes.

  7. If needed, change default entries in the Folder Names area and/or Subdirectory Information area.

  8. NOTES:

    To avoid the risk of overwriting files, use unique folder names. Using a single folder name will place all file types in a single folder.

    If you enter custom names in the previous steps, avoid characters that are not allowed in Microsoft Windows, such as backslash, colon, and so forth.

  9. Evaluate the names and organization in the Sample Directory Structure area.

  10. Options: Make other changes in the Folder Options dialog box as described in the following table.

  11. Option


    Files per Directory

    When any folder type (TIFF, Native, etc.) reaches the specified number of files, a new subfolder is created. Documents are not split across folders, however.


    The number to be used for the first subdirectory in each file-type folder. In the previous figure the starting number is 1.

    # of Digits

    The number of digits to be used in subdirectory names. It is generally recommended that at least four digits be used; up to ten digits may be used (that is, numbers such as 0000000001).

  12. Review your folder definition in the Sample Directory Structure area. Make changes if needed.

  13. When the folder definition is as needed, click OK.

ClosedDefine file names

This procedure defines file names for images or PDF files, and text files if you are producing them. Skip this procedure if you are producing only printed output, only native files (Native Only option), and/or you want to accept all default file naming options.

To define file names for production files:

  1. If needed, click Output Options in the Production navigation panel.

  2. In the Output Options workspace’s File Naming Options area, select the needed naming convention choices, listed in the following table.

  3. Production File Naming Options



    Production Image Key as Filename

    File names will be based on the image keys defined in the Image Keys tab of the Endorsement Options workspace. See Select Endorsement Options for details.

    See also the delimiter option at the end of this table.

    Use Original File Name

    File names in the production set will be matched with those defined in the case.

    See also the delimiter option at the end of this table.

    Sequential Numbering

    Consecutive numbering will be used. As needed, define the number format as follows:

    • Prefix: Optional. If needed, enter a prefix to precede the sequential number.

    • Delimiter: Optional. If needed, select a different delimiter or enter a delimiter of your choice. Characters must be Windows compliant. The following characters cannot be used:

      / ? < > \ : * |

    • Number: If needed, modify the number format or starting number.

    Select Filename from Database

    File names will be based on the content of a specific field in your database. For example, if you select a field containing authors’ names, file names will begin with each author’s name. Components include:

    • Prefix: Select the needed database field.

    • Delimiter: Optional. If needed, select a different delimiter or enter a delimiter of your choice. Characters must be Windows compliant.

      The following characters cannot be used:

      / ? < > \ : * |

    • Number: If needed, modify the number format or starting number.

      Important: If you choose the Select Filename from Database option and, in the database, the field is empty, the Image Key filename will be populated with the production number. This can result in a disconnect between your endorsement options and your load files.

    Remove Delimiters from File Name

    If the production image keys or original files names option is selected and these names include delimiters, select this option to remove the delimiter from the production file names.

    For example, if original file names will be used and are in the format “ABC-00001,” selecting this option will result in production file names in the format “ABC00001.”

  4. If you are producing full text (OCR) and/or native files, continue with Select OCR and Native File Options. If not, skip to Define output options.

ClosedSelect OCR and native file options

If you are producing OCR and/or native files, complete the following steps to select related options.

  1. If needed, click Output Options in the Production navigation panel. Complete the following steps as applicable to the output type you have chosen.

  2. OCR Options: Select from the following options.

  3. Option


    OCR Document if OCR Does not Exist

    If an OCR (plain text) file does not exist, it will be created based on a scan of the image file(s).

    NOTE: If you want to re-OCR only the documents/pages containing redacted or excluded content, do not select this option. Instead, select Remove Redacted/Excluded Pages/Areas Only (see step 3).

    Create Document OCR

    Create one OCR file containing all pages in each document for which an OCR file does not already exist.


    To create OCR in a language other than English, click this button and select needed language(s).

    Create Page-Level OCR

    Create separate OCR files for pages in each document for which an OCR file does not already exist.

    Use Page Number
    for Multi-Page File Naming

    If the Create Page-Level OCR option is selected, this option will cause full-text files to be named with the document name and the page number as a suffix. (The document name will be as specified in step 2.)

    For example, for a sequentially-numbered document with four pages, full-text files would be named similar to those shown here.

    Use path to text file in load files

    Check this option to include the OCR file path in the load file being produced. This option applies to Concordance (DAT), CSV, and DLF load file types. Ensure that an option to extract text is checked under Output Type, and that the appropriate load file is selected under Select Metadata for load files.


    If you are producing load files, select encoding needed for your OCR output. Encoding is included in the Metadata for Load Files section as described later in Select Metadata or Load Files.

  4. Redaction/Exclusion Options: Select how redacted content and pages excluded based on tagging will be treated in OCR files:

  5. Option


    Remove Redacted/Excluded Pages/Areas Only

    Documents containing redacted content and/or excluded pages will be re-OCR’ed so that such content/pages are omitted from the OCR files.

    Note: Pages may be excluded based on tags. These settings are made in the Output Type section of the Output Options workspace (Page-Level Exclusions button).

    Replace Entire OCR/Extracted Text with Placeholder

    Text files will be created and contain only the information you enter in the Contents field.


    If you use a placeholder for redacted documents (previous option), the text file will contain only the information entered in this field.

    Skip Entire Document if any page is Redacted or Excluded

    No text file or image will be produced if any page in the document includes a redaction(s) or has been excluded.

  6. Native File Options: In this area of the Output Options workspace, make needed choices for the production of native files:

  7. Option


    Exclude Native if page is Redacted/Excluded

    Do not produce native files for documents that include redactions or pages that have been excluded.

    Note: Pages may be excluded based on tags. These settings are made in the Output Type section of the Output Options workspace (Page-Level Exclusions button).

    Advanced Native
    File Options

    Click this button to select any of the following options:

    • File name options

    • File type options

    • Placeholder options

    See steps 5, 6, and/or 7 for details on these options.

  8. File Names: To specify the naming convention for native files:

    1. Click the Advanced Native File Options button.

    2. On the File Name Options tab, select the needed naming option:

    3. Option


      Use Production Key for Native Files

      Name native files with the image name and the native file extension.

      Example: PROD-0001.msg

      Note: The image name is defined in the section titled Select Endorsement Options.

      Append Original File Names to Production Key

      Add the native file’s original name at the end of the image namea.

      Example: PROD-0001-ABC-0001.msg

      Append Original File plus Message to Production Key

      Add the native file’s original name plus custom text at the end of the image name.


      Append Original File plus TAG to Production Key

      Add the native file’s original name plus a selected tag name at the end of the image name.


    4. To limit the types of files to be produced, go to the next step. Otherwise, click OK and go to step 7.

  9. File Types: To select specific native file types to be produced:

    1. Click the Advanced Native File Options button and then the Select File Types tab.

    2. Select the Produce Specific Native Files Types option.

    3. Choose the needed file types from the list.

    4. If a needed native file type is not listed, enter the extension in the Custom field and click Add.

    5. To use a “placeholder” image for some native file types, go to the next step. Otherwise, click OK and continue on with the next step in the process.

  10. Placeholder Images: To use a blank page or an image file (such as .JPG, .BMP, or .GIF) in place of specific types of native files:

    1. Click the Advanced Native File Options button and then the Placeholder Images tab.

    2. Click Add and enter the extension of the file type for which a placeholder will be used.

    3. To replace the file with a blank page, click Use Default Image and skip to step f.

    4. To replace the file with an image file, click Use Custom Image.

    5. Enter the full path (including file name) for the placeholder image. Or, click and navigate to the needed file.

    6. If you are producing images (or PDF) files plus native files, select from the following options.

    7. Option

      For the Specified File Type...

      Native File Only

      Create placeholders for native files only (produce images for these files). Placeholders will be placed in the native folder.

      Both Native and Image Files

      Create placeholders for both images and native files (do not produce either). Placeholders will be placed in both the images and the native folders.

      Image File Only

      Create placeholders for images only (produce the native files for this file type). Placeholders will be placed in the images folder.

    8. Click OK.

    9. Repeat steps b - g for each file type for which a placeholder will be used.

    10. When finished, click OK in the Native File Options dialog box.

ClosedDefine output options

Complete the following steps to specify details for the production job itself.

  1. If needed, click Output Options in the Production navigation panel.

  2. In the Output Options area of the Output Options workspace, select the needed naming convention from the following choices.

  3. Production Output Options



    Production Name

    Enter a name for this set of production instructions. Used for tracking purposes and listed in the Production History tab.

    Production Volume Prefix

    Enter a name for the root directory (top-level folder) for the production results. The name displays to the right of the definition.

    • Prefix: Enter a “base” name for volumes.

      Note: The following characters cannot be used: / ? < > \ : * |

    • Starting Index: The beginning number for a set of volumes for a particular production set. Multiple volumes are created when the Max Volume Size is exceeded.

    • Width: Enter the number of digits to be used in the index number.

    For example entries of “DANBY,” “1,” and “3” will result in volumes named as DANBY001, DANBYD002, and so on.

    Output Directory

    Enter the full path of the folder in which production results will be placed, or click to navigate to the folder. A folder must be selected, not a drive.

    Error Log Location

    By default, error logs are placed in the output directory. If needed, change the location; enter the full path of the preferred folder, or click to navigate to the folder. A folder must be selected, not a drive.

    Max Volume Size

    Select from a list of common media capacities or enter another maximum size in megabytes. When the maximum size is reached, a new volume folder is created.

    Create Images if They do not Exist

    This option is available for Images, PDF, or Print output. Select it if image files do not exist for some of the documents being produced (but native files do) and you want to include the files.

    When this option is selected, image files (TIFFs) will be created based on the native files and used as follows:

    • For image output, the TIFF files will be included in the production set (and/or .JPG images if the Produce Color Images as JPEG option is selected in Image Options).

    • For PDF or print output, the image files will be the basis of the produced PDF or printed output. Image files created for this purpose are temporary unless the following option is selected.

    • Additional options are enabled when this option is selected, as described later in this table.

    NOTE: In the rare case that image files do not exist for any of the documents being produced, this option is selected by default.

    However, if you have a case with a significant number of documents lacking image files (because they were added through native ingestion), it is recommended that you create the images. For more information, see Create Multiple Document Images (Bulk TIFF), and then run the production.

    Add Created Images to the Case

    If the Create Images if They do not Exist option is selected, choose this option to have the image files created for production added to the case.

    Images will be placed in a subdirectory in the Images folder in the case directory; document image paths will be defined accordingly. In addition, the IMAGECNT field will be updated to reflect the correct number of pages for each document.

    These images will be viewable in Review on the Image tab.

    Create Color Images

    If the Create Images if They do not Exist option is selected, choose this option to create color images (when native files are in color).

    To create black and white images, do not select this option.

    Color images will be TIFF images unless the Produce Color Images as JPEG option is selected for your primary output (in which case .JPG images will be added to the case).

  4. Continue with the next section. If you are not producing load files, go to Select Image Options.

ClosedSelect metadata for load files

Complete the following steps to select the types of load file you want to produce and the load file contents. Load files are placed in the root of the production folder.

  1. If needed, click Output Options in the Production navigation panel.

  2. Select the type(s) of load file to be produced, then complete the following steps as applicable to selected file types.

  3. Fields – The following production fields will be included by default in selected load files (as applicable), unless you remove them using the following steps: PROD_BEGDOC, PROD_ENDDOC, PROD_BEGATTACH, PROD_ENDATTACH.

    1. To include all field data from the database, click the Select All>> button under the left column of field names.

    2. To include some data from the database, click the individual field names in the left column and then click . Use Shift+click to select a contiguous set of field names or Ctrl+click to select a non-contiguous set of field names. See the note below.

    3. In the list of selected fields (right column), rearrange the order of the data by selecting a field to be moved, then using the or buttons.

  4. NOTES:

    • If you are creating .CSV, .DAT, and/or .DLF load files AND you want to renumber image keys (as explained Image keys), make sure that you:

      • Select (PROD_BEGDOC) and (PROD_ENDDOC).

      • Do not include the original image key field.

    • If your case includes production attachment fields (that is, fields containing the production beginning- and ending-image keys of associated attachments), they can be selected here, but they will not be included in your final load files due to production methodology.

    • Instead, the PRODKEYS.TXT file is created that includes the following field data:

      • Production beginning and ending image keys

      • Production attachments beginning and ending image keys

  5. Advanced options – applies only to .DLF and .LFP files:

    1. Click Advanced.

    2. Select the tags to be included in the load file(s).

    3. Select how tags should be treated:

    4. Select the annotations to be included in the load file(s).

    5. Click OK.

  6. File Paths – applies to all file types:

  7. Select the way in which the path for produced files (your primary output files) will be defined in the load files you produce. In the following table, the examples refer to the following path. In this path, vol001 is the production volume name:


    Production File Path Examples





    Replace path details preceding the production volume name with an at sign, @.

    If needed, select the Include Volume Name option.


    Include Volume Name

    Include the volume name in the file path. Choosing this option results in the correct syntax for specifying volumes in the load files, particularly in .DLF and .LFP files.

    Same as above (with additional syntax for volumes).


    Include the complete path of the file.


    Custom Prefix

    Replace path details, including volume name, with a different path. For example, to replace the production path with drive E, enter E:\ in the Custom Prefix field.


  8. Encoding – applies to all file types except .LFP:

  9. Select the character set to be used. Common encodings are available for selection. Make sure the encoding selection is appropriate for the type of load file(s) you have selected. (For example, .DAT files should have only ASCII or Unicode encoding, as supported by Concordance.)

    NOTE: The encoding setting applies to OCR and/or load file output.

  10. When load file selections are completed, continue with the next step.

Closed5. Select Image Options

Once output options are selected, choose desired options on the Image Options tab. This tab includes options for all output types.

ClosedDefine image settings

Complete the following steps to define image type, color, and related options.

  1. Click Image Options in the Production navigation panel.

  2. Complete the Image Settings area of the workspace. Details are listed in the following table.

  3. Production Image Options



    Select Image Type

    If the primary output type is TIFF or PDF, select between these options:

    • Single-page TIFF or PDF: Create a separate file for each page of a document.

    • If you will be producing color single-page TIFF files, you have the option to produce color images as JPEG files. To do so, select the Produce Color Images as JPEG option.

    • With this option selected, black and white images will be produced as .TIF files and color images will be produced as .JPGs. Some administrators find different file extensions useful when working in the file system.

    • Multi-page TIFF or PDF: Create one file, with multiple pages, for each document.


    If the primary output type is TIFF or PDF, select from several common DPI (dots per inch) settings. The higher the DPI, the higher the quality of the image (also, the larger the file size).

    The “Max” options will limit the number of dots per inch to the specified number, even if the original image contained a higher DPI.

    Color Options

    For all primary output types, select the color to be used in output files. If you are running a print production, the selection made here will be used to the extent supported by the printer.

    • Keep Original Color: Maintain original document colors.

    • Force to Color if Image has Color Annotations or Redactions: For black and white documents, select this option to save files with color information for color annotations/redactions.


    Force All Images to Color: Whether or not documents have color, files will be saved with color information.

    • Color Quality: Select from common color qualities ranging from 24-bit (virtually unlimited number of colors, largest file size) to 8-bit grayscale (256 shades of gray, smallest file size).

    Force All Images to Black and White: Color information will not be maintained.

    • Dither Color Images: When using only black and white, select this option to better approximate the colors in files through pixel adjustments. Results depend on original color depth and patterns in the file. Dithering may significantly increase file size.

  4. Continue with Define page attributes.

ClosedDefine page attributes

Complete the following steps to select paper size and related options for all output types.

  1. If needed, click Image Options in the Production navigation panel.

  2. Complete the Page Size and Scaling area of the workspace. Options will vary, depending on primary output type (images, PDF, native files, or print). See the following table for option details.

  3. Option


    Page Scaling

    Select a method for sizing the image on the page:

    • Use paper size: Scale image to fit the selected paper size.

    • Append to original: Adds to the selected paper size to accommodate header and footer content. Think of it as taping strips of paper to the top and bottom of a page to add the headers and footers. For example, if your header and footer are 0.5 inch each and you are using letter-size paper, your output image would be 8.5 x 12 inches instead of 8.5 x 11.

    • Determine page size: For each image, the page size that will give the best result for the image will be used.

    Paper size

    Choose from common paper sizes.

    Note: If you are producing a print job and you use a paper size different from the size specified here, Administration will attempt to scale the image to the paper size specified for the printer.

    Maximize Horizontal Scale

    Select to have each image fill the page from left to right margin.

    Center Small Images

    Select to position small images in the center of the page instead of at the top left corner.

    Apply View Rotation

    If images have been rotated in Review (a setting on the Image tab), selecting this option for your production job will cause the rotation setting in the Review module to be used for production.

  4. Image Clipping: Clipping allows you to “erase” unneeded content along the edge of images. (For example, image files may have been created from three-hole punch pages that were photocopied—you can clip the three-hole punch area from the images.)

  5. To clip images, enter the amount of the page to be clipped, in inches, in the appropriate field (Top, Left, Bottom, and/or Right). The amount specified is measured from the corresponding margin.

  6. Margins: Enter in the Top, Left, Bottom, and Right fields, in inches.

  7. If the primary output type is not PDF, skip to step 7. For PDF output, complete the next step.

  8. PDF Options: The options in the following table are visible and apply only if the primary output type is PDF and Image Type is Multi-page PDF.

  9. Production PDF Options



    PDF Version

    Choose the desired PDF format. For details, see ISO portable document format standards. Briefly, choices include:

    • Standard PDF: Basic PDF format.

    • PDFA 1-A: Complies with the ISO 19005-1 Level A standard, which ensures that document content can be searched and repurposed.

    • PDFA 1-B: Complies with ISO 19005-1 Level B standard, which ensures dependable appearance of the document over time.

    PDF Size Options

    Page Limit

    Enter the maximum number of pages to be allowed in each PDF file. A default value of zero allows an unlimited number of pages per file.

    Size Limit

    Enter the maximum size, in megabytes, to be allowed for each PDF file. A default value of zero allows files of unlimited size.

    Suffix PDF Name

    For multi-page PDFs, if you enter a page limit, PDF files created as a result of the page limit will include a suffix to the document name. For example, MYDOC.pdf, MYDOCa.pdf, MYDOCaa.pdf, and so on.

    PDF Bookmark Options

    PDF bookmarks are links that appear in the Bookmarks panel of Adobe Reader or another PDF reader. Clicking a bookmark shows the corresponding image.

    Top-Level Bookmark

    Include a bookmark at the document level; options include:

    • No Top-Level Bookmark

    • Use Production Image Key as Bookmark: The document’s image key will be the bookmark name.

    • Select Bookmark Name from Database: Select a database field to be the bookmark name.

    Page-Level Bookmark

    When defined, page bookmarks will be subordinate to the top-level, as shown in this example. Choices for page bookmarks include:

    • No Page-Level Bookmark

    • Use Production Image Key as Bookmark: Page image keys will be the bookmark names.

    • Use Page Number as Bookmark: Page numbers as defined in the PDF file will be used for bookmarks.

    Open PDF with BookMarks expanded

    When PDF files are first opened, bookmarks will be expanded in the bookmarks pane as shown in the previous figure. If this option is not selected, only top-level bookmarks will be visible.

  10. When all image options are completed, continue with the next step.

Closed6. Select Endorsement Options

Administration includes a wide variety of options regarding the information that can be included/added to the image file (“endorsements”). For example, the following figure shows a page with the confidentiality tag added to the header and the image key added to the footer.

NOTE: Endorsements are applied only to image files (whether they are the original image files, printed, or PDF’ed). Thus, if you selected the Native Only option as your primary output type, skip this section.

The general procedure for adding endorsements is as follows:

  1. Click Endorsement Options on the Production navigation panel.

  2. Select how annotations (redactions, comments, and so forth) should appear on your documents and/or pages. For details, see Annotation options.

  3. If needed, add information to the header and/or footer areas of your documents and/or pages. Header/footer information is added to TIFF, PDF, and print output. You can add details to the left, center, and/or right portions of the header and/or footer areas. See the following notes and these sections:

    1. Tag options

    2. Image keys

    3. Data fields

    4. Custom messages

  4. NOTE: Regarding the endorsement areas in the header and footer:

    • No specific character limit exists for endorsements, but practical limits do. Each area can display characters on one or more lines, depending on font selections, margins, image size, whether or not other areas include endorsements, and so forth.

    • Large amounts of information may span areas that do not include endorsements, or wrap within a particular area when multiple areas include endorsements.

    • If you have any questions about the suitability of your endorsement content, it is recommended that you preview one or more pages on the Production Summary tab as explained in Review Production Settings.

    • Another option is to produce a test job with a small number of documents to see if your endorsements display/print as intended.

ClosedAnnotation options

To define annotations to be included in the production job:

  1. On the Endorsement Options workspace, complete the Annotation Options tab as needed. Options include:

  2. Production Annotation Options




    Click Select All to choose all redactions, or select individual redactions to be included.

    NOTE: If a redaction is not included, the text beneath the redaction will be included in the image.

    Redaction Options

    Select how redactions should be presented in produced files:


    Select the annotations to be included in the image file:

    • Embedded Text

    • Highlight

    • Markups

    See note following this table.


    A watermark is an image that appears “behind” existing document content, similar to a stamp.

    • To include a watermark:

    • Select the Use watermark option.

    • Click and navigate to the watermark file. Common image file types can be used.

    See note following this table.

    IMPORTANT: Highlights and watermarks may affect the accuracy/quality of OCR (if you will be creating OCR files during the production process).

    If you need to include OCR in the production and also include highlights and/or a watermark, it is suggested that you OCR documents before production. SeeCreate Multiple Document Images (Bulk TIFF) for details.

  3. If you have not done so on one of the other endorsement tabs, in the Image Mapping area, select the type of Page Layout:

    1. Portrait

    2. Landscape

    3. Match Image Orientation

  4. NOTE: Ignore other aspects of the Image Mapping section for the Annotation Options tab.

  5. Continue with other endorsement selections described in this section. If needed, edit endorsement selections as explained in Change Endorsement Settings.

ClosedImage keys

The production image key can be included in the header and/or footer of documents/pages.

NOTE: If you select other than original image keys in the following procedure and also select Use Image Key as Filename in Output Options, the image keys defined here will be used for file names (See Define File Names.)

Other image key selections here do not affect file names.

To define image keys for the production job, complete the following steps.

  1. On the Endorsement Options workspace, click the Image Keys tab select one of the options in the following table.

  2. Production Image Key Endorsement Options



    Use original image keys

    Select this option to use the image key defined for the images as an endorsement.

    Renumber Image Keys

    Select this option to create a different image key for endorsement purposes and select the following components. See the note at the beginning of this topic regarding the relationship of this selection to file names.

    • Prefix: Can be 50 characters maximum Characters must be Windows compliant. (If no prefix is specified, the delimiter will begin the image key.)

      The following characters cannot be used:

      / ? < > \ : * |

    • Delimiter (first delimiter): Select from common delimiters, no delimiter, or enter any character(s)* to separate the prefix from the document and/or page number. You may also type a space(s).

    • Document: Optional. To include document numbers, select this option.

    • If desired, increase or decrease the number of digits by using the Width or buttons. Reducing the number of digits may limit the number of documents to be produced.

    • Delimiter (second delimiter): If you are using document numbers, select from common delimiters, no delimiter, or enter any character(s)* to separate the document number from the page number. You may also type a space(s).

    • Page: The page number will always be included.

    If desired, increase or decrease the number of digits by using the Width or buttons. Reducing the number of digits may limit the number of pages to be produced.

    NOTE: If your case includes gaps in image key (BEGDOC) numbering, production image keys will not include the same gaps. The purpose of renumbering is to create a linear set of image keys without gaps. Refer to the production cross-reference file to compare original image keys with production image keys. See step 10 for details on this file.

    Use Field Data for Image Key

    Select this option to use data from a specific field of your database as the prefix for your image key, followed by delimiter and page number of your choosing. For this option:

    • If needed, select a Delimiter and/or change the Width setting for page numbers as described for the previous option.

    • Select the way in which the production job will be handled if the field you select does not contain data for all records - see If the data is missing.

    IMPORTANT! If you select a field that contains duplicate information for different records, records may be overwritten. For this reason, it is recommended that you select only fields that have been defined with the Primary Key option.

    Use Produced Key

    Select this option if you are re-producing a subset of documents from an existing production set and need to maintain the numbering used in the original production job.

    In addition, select the production set the numbering should match and a method for handling missing production image keys - see If the data is missing.

    If data is missing

    If you are using field data for production image keys or are using image keys from an existing production (one of the previous two numbering options), select the method for handling missing data:

    • Skip and Log Error: Don’t product images for which data is missing and log an error(s) in the production error log. The error(s) will also display in the Progress area of the Production workspace.

    • Cancel Processing: Stop the production job. Some documents may be produced but post-processing may be incomplete, so delete any documents produced.

  3. Review your production image key definition in the Selected image key area. Ensure it appears as you intend.

  4. If needed, click the arrow buttons to move through the image keys to be assured that numbering meets your requirements. If the production image key will be used in the document header or footer, continue with the following steps. If not, go to step 5.

  5. Options: Select from the options listed in the following table as needed.

  6. Image Key Presentation Options




    Click to define font details (font, font size, style, color, and so forth).

    NOTE: The exact font size may not display on this tab. For example, if you select a font size of 10 points, the tab may display 9.75 pt. Ignore this anomaly of system behavior.

    Use bar code

    Select this option if you want the defined number to be presented in bar code format. Invalid characters will be removed.

    Include Page Position
    (1 of n)

    This option is available if you do not choose bar codes. Choose this option to include page numbers with the image key, including both the current page number and the total number of pages, for example:

    ABC-00033 (1 of 41)

    Apply to

    Choose the pages on which the image key endorsement should be included:

    All Pages: By default, the endorsement will be added to all pages.

    1st Page: Include endorsement only on the first page of each document.

    Skip 1st Page: Include endorsement on all but the first page of each document.

  7. After the image key format and options are selected, click the arrow on the right side of the Map Endorsement button and select the position for the image key, as shown in this figure.

  8. Once a selection is made, the image key will display in the Image Mapping area of the workspace.

  9. If you have not done so on another endorsement tab, in the Image Mapping area, select the type of page layout.

  10. Continue with other endorsement selections described in this section. If needed, edit endorsement selections as explained in Change Endorsement Settings.

ClosedTag options

Tag details can be included in the header and/or footer of document images, page images, or both. Tag names will appear on the images for which the selected tags were applied. If needed, text can be used in place of the tag name. To include tag details:

  1. On the Endorsement Options workspace, click the Tag Options tab.

  2. Complete the areas of the workspace as described in the following table.

  3. Tag Endorsement Options




    In the Tags area of the tab, select the Document, Page, or Both tab to locate needed tags.

    Next, select one or more tags that you want to appear in the same location on the page (such as top center). To include multiple tags in the same area, Shift+click to select a contiguous set of tags or Ctrl+click to select a non-contiguous set of tags, respectively. Or, click Select All to select all tags (be aware of size issues).

    Document Tag

    • Selected tag: Each tag selected in the Tags area displays in this field. Multiple tags that have been selected are separated with a semi-colon.
    • Alternate text: Applies when a single tag is listed in the Selected tag field.
    • To use text other than the tag name, enter it in the Alternate text field. For example, a tag name might be “ATTY/CLT PRIV,” but you prefer to use “Attorney/Client Privilege” in the header or footer.



    Apply to

    Choose the pages on which the tag endorsement should be included:

    All Pages: By default, the endorsement will be added to all pages.

    1st Page: Include endorsement only on the first page of each document.

    Skip 1st Page: Include endorsement on all but the first page of each document.


    Click Font to define font details (font, font size, style, color, and so forth). Note: The exact font size may not display on this tab. For example, if you select a font size of 10 points, the font size on the tab may display 9.75 pt. Ignore this anomaly of system behavior.

  4. After all options are selected, click the arrow on the right side of the Map Endorsement button and select the position for the tag information. .

  5. Once a selection is made, the tag information will display in the Image Mapping area of the workspace.

  6. Repeat steps 2 - 3 for other tags to be added to the image in other locations.

  7. If you have not done so on another endorsement tab, in the Image Mapping area, select the type of page layout.

  8. Continue with other endorsement selections described in this section. If needed, edit endorsement selections as explained in Change endorsement settings.

  9. When finished, go to the next phase of production:

ClosedData fields

Data from specific fields can be included in the header and/or footer of document and page images as follows:

  1. On the Endorsement Options workspace, click the Data Fields tab.

  2. Complete the areas of the workspace as follows.

  3. Field Endorsement Options




    Select the field(s) to be added to the image. To include multiple fields to the same area in the header or footer, Shift+click to select a contiguous set of field names or Ctrl+click to select a non-contiguous set of field names, respectively.

    Selected fields

    Selected fields: Shows the selected field name(s).

    Preview: Shows the selected field data. As needed, click the arrow buttons to move through the field data to be assured that the selections meet your requirements.

    If the content exceeds the size of the Preview field, click in the field and use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate within the field.



    Apply to

    Choose the pages on which the field endorsement should be included:

    All Pages: By default, the endorsement will be added to all pages.

    1st Page: Include endorsement only on the first page of each document.

    Skip 1st Page: Include endorsement on all but the first page of each document.


    Click Font to define font details (font, font size, style, color, and so forth). Note: The exact font size may not display on this tab. For example, if you select a font size of 10 points, the font size on the tab may display 9.75 pt. Ignore this anomaly of system behavior.

  4. After the data field options are selected, click the arrow on the right side of the Map Endorsement button and select the position for the field data.

  5. The field data will display in the Image Mapping area of the workspace.

    TIP: If field content is long enough that it will wrap in the selected area, an option is to select it in the Image Mapping area and click Use Full Line. Instead of wrapping, the data will continue from one area of the header or footer to the next.

  6. If you have not done so on another endorsement tab, in the Image Mapping area, select the type of page layout.

  7. Continue with other endorsement selections described in this section. If needed, edit endorsement selections as explained in Change endorsement settings.

  8. When finished, go to the next phase of production:

ClosedCustom messages

Custom information can be included in the header and/or footer of document and page images as follows:

  1. On the Endorsement Options workspace, click the Custom Messages tab.

  2. Complete message options as follows.

  3. Option


    Custom Text Message

    Enter needed information (maximum of 500 characters). To enter multiple lines, separate the content of each line with an “at” sign, @. For example, consider the following entry:

    Such an entry will be included as follows in your final production output:


    Attorney’s Eyes Only

    Apply to

    Choose the pages on which the custom message should be included:

    All Pages: By default, the endorsement will be added to all pages.

    1st Page: Include endorsement only on the first page of each document.

    Skip 1st Page: Include endorsement on all but the first page of each document.


    Click Font to define font details (font, font size, style, color, and so forth). Note: The exact font size may not display on this tab. For example, if you select a font size of 10 points, the font size on the tab may display 9.75 pt. Ignore this anomaly of system behavior.

  4. After the custom message options are selected, click the arrow on the right side of the Map Endorsement button and select the position for the message.

  5. TIP: If the message is long enough that it will wrap in the selected area, an option is to select it in the Image Mapping area and click Use Full Line. Instead of wrapping, the message will continue from one area of the header or footer to the next.

    The message will display in the Image Mapping area of the workspace.

    To remove the last item added, click Undo Last Add. (To edit selections after they are made, see Change endorsement settings.)

  6. If you have not done so on another endorsement tab, in the Image Mapping area, select the type of page layout.

  7. Continue with other endorsement selections described in this section. If needed, edit endorsement selections as explained in Change endorsement settings.

  8. When finished, go to the next phase of production:

ClosedChange endorsement settings

Once endorsements have been defined, change them before producing a job as follows:

  1. For annotations, click the Annotations tab on the Endorsement Options workspace, and make needed changes.

  2. To change any of the options for a mapped endorsement (specific content, font, “Apply to” page setting, etc.) you must delete the endorsement (see next step), select new options, and then re-map the endorsement.

  3. NOTE: Changes must be made before you map the endorsement.

  4. To delete information from the header or footer, click the Tag Options, Image Keys, Data Fields, or Custom Messages tab, then:

    1. To remove the last item added, click Undo Last Add. (This button may not be available, depending on your sequence of actions.)

    2. To remove all information in a particular area, click anywhere in that area and then click Clear Area.

    3. To remove a specific line in an area, click the line and then click Remove.

  5. To add information to the header or footer, see the following sections:

  6. To change wrapping behavior: If field data or other content is long enough that it will wrap in the area of the header/footer where it has been mapped, an option is to select it in the Image Mapping area and click Use Full Line. Instead of wrapping, the content will continue from one area of the header or footer to the next.

  7. Alternatively, the option can be removed—select an endorsement that has been defined to not wrap and click the Use Full Line button. The content will now wrap.

Closed7. Select Print Options

If you are creating a print job, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Print Options in the Production navigation panel.

  2. Select Printer: Select either a Local or Batch Printer. (If you have configured a print server, batch printers will include those listed In the Batch Printer list.) Make sure the printer(s) is available and ready to print.

  3. Output Paper Options: Select basic printing options:

  4. Option


    Paper Tray

    Select the paper tray for the job. Options depend on the printer selected and its capabilities. Refer to your printer documentation for details on tray selections.

    Staple Documents

    If the printer has stapling capability, select this option to staple all pages for a specific document.


    If the printer has the capability, select this option to print on both sides of the paper.

  5. Banner Sheet: A banner is a sheet of paper that precedes the first page of and/or follows the last page of the production job (for example, a colored sheet of paper). Select banner options as needed:

  6. Banner Sheet Options



    Print Banner Sheet

    Select this option to precede the production job with a banner sheet. The start banner includes the following information:

    Production name • Case name

    User ID • Date and time

    Number of documents

    Print End of Job Banner Sheet

    Select this option to end the production job with a banner sheet, printed with “End Print Job.”

    Banner Sheet Tray

    Select the paper tray for which the banner sheet(s) will be taken. Options will depend on the printer selected and its capabilities. Refer to your printer documentation for details on tray selections.

  7. Slip Sheet Options: A slip sheet is a piece of paper that precedes the first page of each set of pages comprising a document. Select options as listed in the following table.

  8. Printing Slip Sheet Options



    Print Slip Sheet

    Select this option to include a sheet of paper between documents. The slip sheet can be blank or include text as defined in this area.

    Slip Sheet Paper Tray

    Select the paper tray for which the slip sheets will be taken. Options will depend on the printer selected and its capabilities. Refer to your printer documentation for details on tray selections.

    Slip Sheet Text

    If needed, add field data and/or a custom message(s) to slip sheets:

    To select field data, select the needed field from the list and click Add Field.

    To add a custom message, enter it in the text field and click Add Text. Up to 500 characters will be printed.

    Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add other information. Each entry is printed on a separate line, so there are practical considerations to how much you can include.

    When finished, organize the order of multiple lines of data/text by selecting an item to be moved and clicking or as needed to relocate the item.

    If needed, delete a line(s) by selecting it and clicking Remove.

  9. Split Print Job: Splitting a large production job into multiple print jobs can help you monitor and maintain the printer while the job is being processed. Select options as needed:

  10. Option


    Do Not Split Print Job

    Select this option to manage the production job as a single print job.

    Split Print Job Every

    Select this option to separate the production job into multiple print jobs. After selecting this option, enter the number of documents to be included in each print job.

Closed8. Review Production Settings

Once all production selections have been made, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Summary in the Production navigation panel.

  2. Review the list of documents and/or pages in the Image Keys list.

  3. NOTE: This list is in numerical order based on the document range you selected for production. If you selected a sort order, it will be implemented in the produced load files.

  4. If needed, select a document/page in the Image Keys list, then click Create Preview Page to view the page with headers, footers, and content as you have specified.

  5. NOTE: This is a general preview. If you chose page numbering and/or special endorsement placement (such as first-page only), these choices may not be completely accurate in the preview. Your choices will be correctly implemented in the produced documents.

  6. Review the Production Settings list to ensure settings are as intended.

  7. If needed, make corrections on the appropriate workspace.

  8. Continue with Complete a Production (to save and run the production).

  9. NOTE: Production settings are saved automatically after a production job is run for the current session. If you need to save settings before the job is run, go to the next procedure.

Closed9. Complete Production

Once all production selections have been made and reviewed, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Produce on the Production navigation panel. The following messages may appear now or after you complete this procedure.

  2. Message


    The following output directory has been used before and may be currently in use. Do you wish to continue?

    The output directory you selected in Output Options has been used for production before. Ensure that it is the directory you want to use and that sufficient space is available for the current production.

    The case Image Key and/or Dockey fields are selected for load file output and the Image Key endorsement option is Renumber.

    Typically, if you renumber image keys for a production set, you will not include the case BEGDOC and possibly DOCKEY fields in load files you are producing. (You will use the new image keys.)

    Make sure of your selections on the Output Options workspace (fields to include) and on the Endorsement > Image Keys tab are as desired.

  3. If you receive any messages, click Yes to continue (or make changes and then return to this procedure).

  4. If you are printing documents, make sure your printer is available and ready to print.

  5. Delayed Start: To postpone the job to a later time, select Delay Start of Production and then select the type and amount of the delay:

    1. To postpone the start of the job by a set interval, select Set Delay Interval and select the needed time from the corresponding list (common settings ranging from 5 minutes to 6 hours).

    2. To postpone a job to a custom date and/or time, first select Set Custom Delay and continue with step c and/or d.

    3. To change the date, click next to the field and select a needed date on the calendar. Alternatively, click the month, day, and/or year and enter the needed future date. (If the year will change, enter it first.)

    4. To select a custom time, click the number to be changed and enter the needed number (hours, minutes, and/or seconds, as applicable).

  6. Production Numbering: If you chose other than original image keys for production numbering (see Image keys) complete this section to add or replace the content of begin- and/or end-production image-key fields and/or attachment fields in the case with data from the current production:

    1. Select the needed option(s), Write Production Image Keys to Case and/or Write Production Attach Range to Case.

    2. For the selected option(s), corresponding begin and/or end production image key fields must exist. Select or create the fields.

    3. If a field needs to be added to the case, select <new field> and enter a field name. A new SINGLE_VALUE field will be created.

    4. Select the method by which the production details will be added to each field:

      • Overwrite existing field data: Include only the latest production details in the fields.

      • Append to existing field data: Add the latest production details to the field.

    5. For example, if production image keys are added to a case and the data is appended, details in the Case Management > Database Records table will be similar to the following figure:

      NOTE: End-production and production attachment image key fields will always contain data, even if the original fields (ENDDOC, BEGATTACH, ENDATTACH) are blank. If no data exists for the original fields, Administration will repeat the begin-production image key.

  7. If you do not need to track the production, such as for a test production, clear the Update Production History Table option. Clearing this option will increase efficiency slightly.

  8. NOTE: If the production table is not updated, the production job will not be listed in the Production History tab or viewable in Review.

  9. If the settings for this production job can be used as a basis for other jobs:

    1. Click Save Template.

    2. Enter a name for the template (or accept the default name, which is the name of the production job). The following characters cannot be used:
      / ? < > \ : * |

    3. Click OK, then click OK in response to the confirmation message. The template is saved. The following production settings are included in the template:

    4. Output Options

      Image Options

      Endorsement Options

      Print Options

      Production Numbering Options

  10. Click Start Production. The production begins and the production settings are saved (except as noted above). Evaluate and respond to any messages that appear.

  11. Progress will be indicated in one of two ways – through a status bar in the Status area of the workspace and/or by a listing of messages and documents as they are produced in the Progress area of the workspace.

  12. Monitor progress as needed. When the job is completed, a completion message will display in the Progress area.

    NOTE: During the production process, if an image has an error, the system will insert an error page and will log an error in the log file.

  13. As needed, refer to the administrative files listed in the following table.

  14. Administrative Files for Production




    Output directory defined for the production


    Production image key details


    Document/attachment image key details (PARENTKEY and ATTACHMENTS)


    Details on problems encountered during production

    Case data directory’s ProdXref folder

    Production cross-reference file

    Original and production image key details, named ProdName_DateTime.TXT, where:

    ProdName is the production job name and

    DateTIme is the complete date and time the job was processed.


Related Topics

Overview: Production

Use a Production Template

Work with Saved Production Settings