Location View

The Location view displays a list of the archive stores, file locations, live locations, and user accounts from which you can view and search archived and live data. This is also where you can perform filter searches—see Using Search Filters.

You can easily view all the locations and user accounts included. If a blue check box with check mark is displayed , the location and all of its user accounts are included. If a check box with a dash is displayed , specific accounts from this location are included. An empty check box indicates that the location, user account or subfolder, is not included.

To include or exclude a location - and all of its user accounts and associated subfolders - simply click on it.

You can expand all locations - including archive stores and live email systems - to reveal their user accounts. Click on the triangle next to a location to expand.

Click on the user accounts displayed in order to include or exclude them. You can also select the user's subfolders you wish to include or exclude. Click on the triangle next to a user to expand.

When expanding a location, you can opt to include or exclude the following:

  • Specific folders within a user's mailbox.

  • Teams channels and chats that the user participates in. The icons displayed indicate if the chat is with one user , or multiple users .

  • Teams Apps - specifically, the applications Jira Cloud, Polly, and SurveyMonkey - used by the user. For each application, the associated data can be found in the corresponding folder. The icon displayed , indicates that it is an application.

  • Slack channels and conversations that the user participates in.

  • For Instant Messages (IM), a unique ID is assigned to each workspace, channel, or group chat. For Teams, channels and chats are assigned unique IDs. For Slack, workspaces, channels, and chats are assigned IDs. When the name of a workspace, channel or group chat changes - for instance, because a user leaves - the entry is updated in the Location view. The unique ID, however, remains unchanged. You can view the ID by hovering over the entry.

  • NOTE
    If you are using an earlier version of the software, you will need to update your system to change existing data sets to IDs. Contact your IPRO Support Representative for more information.

You can also view and browse a user's list of archived contacts. The Contacts list displays the user's contacts within the selected archive location and its subfolders.

It is not possible to run searches on a contacts– you can only browse through the contacts of one user at the time.

How to Return to the Regular Document View

  • Click any other email folder. If you click a folder only once, the folders that were initially selected remain selected. If you click a second time, then only the folder on which you clicked will be selected.