Edit or Remove a Review Pass

After a review pass is defined and batches created, you can change the definition if needed.

Open a Review Pass

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Administration module.

    The Administration module displays.

  2. In the left navigation panel, expand the Batch Management menu and click Create/Manage Review Batches.

  3. In the Create/Manage Review Batches workspace, select the Client and Case for the review pass.

  4. Click on an existing review pass. Alternatively, you can create a new one by clicking Create Review Pass, then selecting the new review pass in the list.

For instructions on how to edit or remove a review pass, proceed through the instructions below:

Change Basic Review Pass Details

To evaluate and/or change the basic details for a review pass:

  1. Navigate to the Create/Manage Review Batches workspace and open a review pass by following the instructions listed in Open a Review Pass.

  2. Check the summary at the top of the tab for an overview of the review pass. In particular, note:

    • Unbatched Documents: New batches can be created from these documents.

    • Unassigned Batches: Assign reviewers to these batches.

    • On Hold Batches: Resolve issues so the batches can be reviewed.

  3. Review Pass: If needed, revise the name.

  4. Status: Change the status from Open to Closed to prohibit access to the review pass in Review. (You will not be able to modify the review pass in Administration, either.) Alternatively, open a closed review pass.

  5. Instructions: Add new batch instructions. To do this:

    1. Next to the Instructions field, click .

    2. In the resulting dialog box, if the needed file is not .DOC, .DOCX, or .TXT, change the File of Type selection to All files.

    3. Navigate to and select the instructions file for the review pass. These instructions will be available to reviewers in Review’s Batch Instructions folder as long as they have access to the network location.

    4. Click Open.

  6. Alert reviewers to the changes.

Change Review Pass Fields

To change the fields to be visible for a review pass:

  1. Navigate to the Create/Manage Review Batches workspace and open a review pass by following the instructions listed in Open a Review Pass.
  2. Click the Fields tab.

    Note: If you've elected to use a coding form, the Fields tab will not display in the Create/Manage Review Batches workspace. You can remove the coding form at any time by clicking on the Review Pass Details tab, then deselecting the check box beside Use Coding Form.

  3. Evaluate the currently assigned fields and those that are not assigned.

  4. Add fields to or remove them from the Displayed Fields list. Refer to Set Fields for the Review Pass for tips.

  5. When changes are complete, click Apply.

  6. Alert reviewers to your changes (and any process changes that may result). Users may need to re-open batches they are working on in order for changes to take effect.

Change Reviewer Assignments

To change which groups and/or users are assigned to the review pass, or role/privilege assignments:

  1. Navigate to the Create/Manage Review Batches workspace and open a review pass by following the instructions listed in Open a Review Pass.
  2. Click the Groups and Users tab.

  3. Evaluate current assignments.

  4. Make changes to assignments and role/privilege settings as needed. See Assign Reviewers for procedure details.

  5. Alert reviewers to your changes (and any process changes that may result). Users may need to re-open batches they are working on in order for changes to take effect.

Change the Review Pass Tag Palette

To change tag palette for the review pass:

  1. Navigate to the Create/Manage Review Batches workspace and open a review pass by following the instructions listed in Open a Review Pass.

  2. Click the Tag Palette tab.
  3. Evaluate currently assigned tags.

  4. Make changes as needed. See Change Reviewer Assignments for procedure details.

  5. Alert reviewers to your changes (and any process changes that may result). Users may need to re-open batches they are working on in order for changes to take effect.

Delete a Review Pass

To delete a review pass:

  1. Navigate to the Create/Manage Review Batches workspace and open a review pass by following the instructions listed in Open a Review Pass.
  2. After opening a review pass, above the list of review passes, click .
  3. In response to the confirmation message, click OK.

  4. Alert reviewers to your changes (and any process changes that may result).

Related Topics:

Overview: Managing Reviews

Create a Review Pass and Batches

Manage Batches