Use the ADD Interface Functions

Common Browser Functions

For best results, maximize the size of your browser window. If this is not possible, however, scroll bars are added to ADDAutomated Digital Discovery pages if content exceeds the size of the browser window.

Pages can be refreshed using your browser’s Refresh command. This may return the page’s default settings, such as the number of items per page or column sort order.


Some pages include a navigation bar at the bottom of the page for controlling the number of items per page and for navigating to different pages. The following figure shows the navigation bar on the Users page:

Customizing Lists

Sort lists

Most administrative lists (such as the Users list) can be sorted by clicking a column heading (click again to reverse sort order). A sorted column is indicated by an or . Refreshing a page may clear the current sort order.

Find list content

To find an entry on only the current page, use your browser’s Find function.

All administrative pages containing lists include a search box at the top of the page. To search for details in the current list:

Inactivity and Logging Out

By default, for security purposes, if no activity occurs in ADD for 15 minutes, a warning will display, giving you 30 seconds to respond and remain logged in. If no response is received, you will be logged out.

When you are finished working in ADD, log out.