Understand Case Management


ADDAutomated Digital Discovery Case Management provides you with the ability to create managing clients, clients, and cases (projects) for discovery, review, and production.

ClosedClick here to watch the Case Creation video

About Managing Clients and Clients

Two levels of clients help you identify and manage cases:

Both can be defined and managed in ADD Case Management, ADD Review, or ADD Processing.

Users who had cases assigned (via the Self-ServiceA component of the ADD Streaming workflow, provides a simple and easy-to-use solution to upload your own data for processing and review. option) under a different managing client will still retain access to those cases.

Managing clients provide a basis for case organization in ADD Processing and the relationship between cases and reviewers (groups and users) in ADD Review.

For service providers, managing clients are the companies and firms the provider does business with. For law firms, the firm itself is the managing client (a secondary client can be defined as part of case configuration).

Consider the comparison in this figure.

A secondary or subordinate client provides a further level of identification. For law firms this may be the same as the managing client or may be individual clients; for service providers, different secondary clients may also be appropriate. Apply these client concepts to your company’s business configuration.

Managing clients, clients, and code names appear on the ADD Case Management page. See the figure shown under Order of Activities for an example.

About Cases

In ADD, a case is the organizational tool for the data and documents in your eDiscovery project, from initial data ingestion/document discovery in ADD Processing through review and production in ADD Review.

Cases created in ADD Review or ADD Processing are listed in ADD, and can be managed in the individual applications.

In ADD, the following options exist for case creation:

Processing Case: Create a discovery case, which will be available in ADD Processing for processing. Processing cases can be submitted directly from ADD Processing to ADD Review for review and production.


Review Case: Establish an ADD Review case, into which data and files can be imported for review and production.



Processing & Review Case: Create a case for both ADD Processing and ADD Review, as required for a StreamingThe process of automatically copying, processing, filtering and loading data into review systems. DiscoveryProcess used to determine file type(s) to later be processed. The process of making data known to the eCapture system and assigning an index value to this data. job. Documents are discovered and processed in ADD Processing, and then automatically exported into ADD Review for document review and production.



Case details

 Ipro cases (in both eCapture and Eclipse) are defined with many settings. In ADD, basic case details are defined (such as case name, application environment), and templates are used for many of the product-specific settings. As of version 2017.4.0, the ADD default templates were updated to reflect previous changes made in the Processing and Review components.

By default the following templates are used. These templates are part of the ADD installation, and are located by default in the installation location’s Program Files\Ipro Tech\Web\ ADDServices\App_DataComprises documents, numbers, files, emails, and any other information stored on a digital device. In eCapture, refers to the electronic files that are discovered and processed. folder.

DEFAULT Template

Used for...



  • Processing case

  • Processing & Review case

Settings for ADD Processing discovery/processing jobs


  • Processing & Review case

Settings for ADD Processing export jobs


  • Review case

  • Processing & Review case

Settings for Ipro Eclipse document evaluation and review (fields, tags, redactions, etc.)


Administrators can create templates from within each ADD product for use in ADD instead of the default templates or to replace the default templates. Note: If you choose to replace the default templates, it is strongly recommended that you first save the original Ipro templates to an appropriate back-up/archive location.


See ADD Processing for complete details processing and export settings.

See the ADD Review for complete details on case settings

Code names and matter numbers

A code name (also called Enterprise Code Name or ECNEnterprise Code Name. Used to organize one or more product-specific projects (cases) under a single Enterprise-level case. It can also be used to provide an alias to the actual project (case) name.) serves as a primary organizer for one or more related cases, as a shortened version of a very long case name, or for any purpose that will help you organize and recognize cases across all ADD products. Code names are created in ADD, Review, or Processing in conjunction with case creation. Regardless of the product in which a code name is created, it is managed in the ADD database and available to all ADD products.

When defining a code name, a matter number can also be defined. The matter number is tied directly to the code name.

Order of Activities

Case-creation tasks occur from left to right on the ADD Case Management page, generally as shown in the following figure. Other aspects of the page are also noted in this figure.

Navigation Tips

After you have defined several managing clients, clients, and cases, see Use the ADD Interface for tips on searching and working in long lists.