Monitor Case Activity

Case-related activity in ADDAutomated Digital Discovery for the most recent 30-day period is listed in the Notifications list in the Case Management title bar as shown in the following figure.


  1. Click  to open the Notifications list.
  2. Case activities are included in the Notifications list as shown in the following example and described in the following table. Basic actions include:
    • Use the scroll bar to view older activities in long lists.

    • Click X to delete an unneeded list entry.




Creation of a case is in progress. This includes creating the case in ADD and also in ADD Processing.

The type of case is indicated by its icon. This icon, ,  indicates a processing case.

An action is complete. The type of action is listed in the second column.

An item has been updated in ADD (for example, a client name has been changed).

An item has been deleted.

An action has failed. Click Error Details to view and optionally copy failure details as shown in the following figure: