Manage Coding Forms

About Coding Forms

By default, the Record View pane and the case table (Case View, etc. tabs) display all fields in a case. Hundreds of fields may be defined in your cases, while only a few are needed for users to perform a particular task.

Case Management allows you to create various field sets (“coding forms”) so that the fields listed on the Record View pane and in the case table meet users’ needs and allow them to work as efficiently as possible. Coding forms also dictate which tags appear in the Doc/Page Tags tabs. They can also specify a sort order for the case table, be limited to specific users, and be coordinated with review passes.

You can specify one or more coding forms as the default form that will appear when a user first opens a case or batch.

In the following example, the “Review 1” form includes just six fields.


As with many tasks, proper planning will help ensure that the coding forms you define match needed case review activities.

  • Names: If several coding forms will be available for users, give some consideration to naming conventions.

  • Fields and tags: Identify the sets of fields and tags that will best serve case review. Also:

  • Shortcut keys can be defined for fields—if they will be used, plan shortcuts that will be easy for reviewers to use and remember. Shortcuts keys can also be defined for tags (see Tag options). Tag shortcuts can be used case-wide; field shortcuts are specific to coding-forms.

  • A multi-field sort index can be specified to provide an initial sort order for fields in the case table.

  • Rules: Determine whether rules should be defined to enforce certain review actions. Basic “if-then” rules can be defined regarding tags, tag groups, and/or fields to enforce record tagging and/or editing requirements. Or, fields, tag groups, and/or tags can simply be defined as required.

  • Date fields: Determine whether a range of dates should be defined to help reviewers identify errors in and correct DATE fields.

  • Review coordination: If the completion of certain review activities can indicate completion of a batch review, identify needed rules and review passes that should be coordinated.

  • Security: Determine whether forms should be restricted to certain users and/or user groups.

  • Default forms: Decide whether one or more forms should serve as the default form for the case.

Finally, consider the information users will need in order to properly use coding forms and create appropriate case instructions.

Create New Coding Forms

Review About Coding Forms, then create coding forms for a case as follows:

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Administration module.

  2. Click the Case Management drop down and then click Case Management.

    The Case Management area displays.

  3. Select a Client and Case.

  4. Click the Coding Forms tab.

  5. Click New Coding Form. The Coding Forms dialog displays.

  6. In the Coding Form field, enter a name for the form.

  7. Fields: Select the fields to be displayed in the coding form (at least one field must be selected):

    1. Click the Fields tab.

    2. To select all fields, click .

    3. To select individual fields, double-click each field in the Available Fields list.

    4. To select multiple items, click a field name, then Shift+click or Ctrl+click additional fields to choose a contiguous or non-contiguous set, respectively. When all fields have been selected, click .

  8. NOTE: The EXTRACTEDTEXT field can be added to a coding form, but will not display in Record View. (It will display in the case table, which by default displays the fields defined in the selected coding form.)

  9. Field order: When needed fields have been selected, organize them in a way to best meet your users’ needs:

    1. In the Selected Fields list, click a field to be reordered.

    2. Click Up or Down until the field is in the desired location.

    3. Repeat these steps to reorder other fields.

  10. Tags:

    1. In the Coding Forms dialog box, click the Tags tab.

    2. To select all tag groups and tags, click Select Tags.

    3. To select individual tag groups or tags within groups, click the needed groups and/or tags.

    4. NOTE: If a tag group has the Exclusive rule, all tags in the group must be selected.

    5. If needed, change the order of tag groups by using the Up/Down buttons on the Tags tab.

  11. Rules: See Define coding form rules for details on setting rules as part of your coding form definition.

  12. Security: If the form should be restricted to certain users or user groups:

    1. In the Coding Forms dialog box, click the Security tab.

    2. Select needed groups and/or users.

    3. NOTE: This security applies to a coding form when it is accessed from a case. If a coding form is assigned to a review pass, review pass security will take precedence.

  13. Options: Select other options as described in the following table:

  14. Coding Form Options Tab



    Optional Date Range

    Complete the following steps to check all DATE fields that appear in the coding form against a specific range of dates. When a range is defined and the coding form is selected in Review, a message will appear in the status bar to alert users when a date is out of range.

    • In the Coding Forms dialog box, click the Options tab.

    • Enter Start and End dates for the range. These dates are inclusive.

    TIP: Enter the dates in any format; Case Management will change the format to match the date format defined for the case if needed.

    Default View

    To have the coding form being defined serve as the default form for the case, select the Use for Default Case view option on the Options tab of the Coding Form dialog box. When this option is selected, the coding form will display when a user first accesses Review or chooses Default Layout. By default, the fields in the case table will also match this coding form.

    More than one form can be designated as the default form, because different users may have different access to a specific form. If more than one default form is available for a particular user, then Ipro for desktop will use the first available form in the list in Record View as the default.

    Default Sort Index

    To specify a default sort order for the case table when the coding form is selected, select the needed multi-field sort index. For details on indexes, see Manage Multi-Field Sort Indexes.

    Users can change field sorting after the coding form is selected; defining a sort index here provides a baseline sort order for the coding form.

  15. Shortcut Keys: To allow users to use shortcut keys to navigate from one field to another in the coding form, assign the shortcuts as follows:

    1. In the Coding Forms dialog box, click the Shortcut Keys tab.

    2. Select a field for which a shortcut key is being assigned.

    3. Select the needed key (1-9, A-Z). When working in the coding form, reviewers will be able to press Alt+thiskey to place the cursor in the selected field.

    4. Repeat steps b and c for all fields for which shortcuts keys are being assigned.

    5. Review and make a note of the shortcut keys so that you can relay details to reviewers who will be using the coding form.

  16. TIP: A report listing all defined shortcut keys (for coding forms and tags) for all cases is available; see Shortcut Keys Report. For a report specific to a case, see Generate Case Management Reports.

  17. When all tabs in the Coding Forms dialog box have been completed, click OK.

  18. Repeat this procedure to configure other coding forms.

  19. Explain coding form use to reviewers and/or add applicable case instructions.

Define coding form rules

Basic “if-then” rules can be defined regarding document tags, tag groups, and/or fields, to enforce record editing and/or tagging requirements for users working in Record View. (Note: If rules are defined, ensure that users edit fields in Record View, not in the case table.) Fields, tag groups, and/or tags can simply be defined as required. Form rules are enforced when a user edits fields in Record View or applies tags while working in a case or a batch. In batches, a user cannot select a new document for review until all rules are met.

Coding forms with rules can also be tied to review passes so that if all rules are met for all batches in a review pass, the status will automatically change to Reviewed.

Rule examples:

  • If a particular document tag is set, then a particular field (for example, a Comments field) is required (cannot be empty).
  • At least one tag from a tag group must be applied.

Before you add rules to a coding form, plan the rules and rule sequence to ensure that they will correctly enforce the needed review activities and be conducted in the correct order.

To define a coding form rule:

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Administration module.

  2. Click the Case Management drop down and then click Case Management.

    The Case Management area displays.

  3. Select a Client and Case.

  4. Click the Coding Forms tab.
  5. Click the New Coding Form button to create a new coding form, or double-click a coding form you already created. The Coding Forms dialog box displays.

  6. In the Coding Forms dialog box, click the Rules tab and then Add. Complete the Coding Form Rule dialog box (shown in the following figure) as described in the following steps.

  7. Name: Enter a name that describes the rule’s purpose.

  8. Rule details:

    IF statement

    1. Select the item type—Tag, Tag Group, or Field—that is the subject of the “if” portion of the rule.

    2. Select the specific field, tag, or tag group. Note: Only the fields and tag groups/tags that have been added to the form will be available.

    3. Select the needed condition. For example, for tags or tag groups, the conditions are Tagged or Not Tagged. The condition may also be Required.

    THEN statement:

    1. If you defined an item to be Required, then skip to step h.

    2. For other rules, select the item type—Tag, Tag Group, or Field—to which the “then” portion of the rule applies.

    3. Select the specific field, tag, or tag group.

    4. Select the required condition. For example, for fields, the conditions are Empty or Not Empty.

    5. Read the rule statement to ensure it is as intended; make changes if needed.

    6. If the rule should not yet be active, select the Disable this rule option.

    7. When finished, click Ok.

  9. The following example shows a rule on the Rules tab in the Coding Form dialog box. In this example, if the Privileged tag is applied, then the Privileged Reason tag must be applied as well.

  10. Repeat these steps to create other rules.

  11. When all rules are defined, review the order of rules in the Rules tab of the Coding Form dialog box. Rules are enforced in order from top to bottom.

  12. If the order of rules should be changed:

    1. Select a rule to be reordered.

    2. Click Up or Down until the rule is in the desired location.

    3. Repeat these steps to reorder other rules.

  13. Define or revise other aspects of the coding form as needed, then click OK.

Edit Coding Forms

To revise or delete an existing coding form:

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Administration module.

  2. Click the Case Management drop down and then click Case Management.

    The Case Management area displays.

  3. Select a Client and Case.

  4. Click the Coding Forms tab.

  5. To revise a coding form, select a coding form and click the button. Make needed changes (fields, tags, rules, and/or security) in the Coding Forms dialog box. Refer to Create New Coding Forms for details on coding form options.

  6. NOTE: Fields, tags, and tag groups that are part of a rule(s) cannot be deleted.

  7. To delete a coding form, click its , then click Yes in response to the confirmation message.

  8. Notify users of the changes that have been made.


Related Topics

Overview: Edit Cases