Use Annotations in Presentation

TRIAL DIRECTOR Presentation gives you the flexibility to pre-treat items in Preview, or to make annotations on-the-fly while you present your case in the main Presentation window. Use any of the tools on the Presentation Toolbar to apply annotations, regardless of whether you're working in Preview or in Presentation. For more information on the Presentation Toolbar, see Use the Presentation Toolbar.

Most tools feature a color palette that displays when you right-click the tool.

Tips: Hold your mouse over any tool to view a tooltip. Then, spend some time practicing using each tool.
To quickly undo an annotation while drawing, press ALT.
Drag the tools you use most often to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Use the Save Stage tool to preserve your on-the-fly annotations. When you load the saved stage, you can resume working with the annotations right where you left off.


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Overview: Presentation