Search Operators

Symbols and Boolean operators are at the heart of the search engine of IPRO Search. Any time you search for a keyword or partial keyword, Boolean operators specify precisely how it is done. IPRO Search supports almost all Boolean operators, such as AND, OR, NOT, BUT, NEAR, and so on. However, they must be capitalized to be recognized as operators instead of search terms.

Regular Expressions (regex)

A regular expression (or regex) is a pattern describing a certain amount of text. IPRO Search supports some regular expressions (regex) or pattern matching. You use the forward slash symbol (/) to initiate it. For a larger string, you must also end with it. The following example would find four digits in a row, or two letters and two digits. There is a limit of four such variables in a row.



For more information, refer to Elasticsearch: Regexp Query.

Reserved Characters

Certain characters are reserved for use by IPRO Search and must be escaped if you want them to be part of a search. These include the following:

When using a reserved character at the beginning of a search query, it is important to ensure that the Automatically escape reserved index characters (SOLR) option is selected in the Search wizard. Otherwise, your search will not work properly. 

The following example uses the tilde (~) character.

Example: ~asd.txt

Automatically escape reserved index characters (SOLR) is enabled by default. To view or disable the option, open a Search and navigate bottom-left in the wizard.