About All Of, Any Of

Two key operators you will encounter in Advanced Search are "All Of" and "Any Of".

  • All Of: Corresponds to the AND operator. All of the queries specified must return a result in order for any result to be shown.
  • Any Of: Corresponds to the OR operator. Only one of the queries specified must return a result in order for any result to be shown.

All Of (AND)

The "All of"operator narrows your search by instructing NetGovern Search to look for all items containing the first parameter you specify, then for all items containing the second parameter, and show only those items that contain both. For example, when searching for an email sender named Bill Rapp (your first parameter) AND a recipient named Helen Troy (second parameter), your search results will include only items containing both Bill as the sender and Helen as the recipient. Including additional parameters will result in more precise search results.

Any Of (OR)

The "Any Of" operator broadens your search to include items containing either one parameter or both. The OR search is particularly useful when there are several common synonyms for a concept, or variant spellings of a word.

The following example will give results that include the term bank OR items that include account OR both bank and account.

Working with word variants, the following example will find items that include the term account OR accountant OR both. A good rule of thumb is to remember that OR means more.

To see examples of using "All Of" and "Any Of" in NetGovern Search, see Advanced Search Scenarios.

To learn about other operators used in NetGovern Search, see Search Operators.