Advanced Search Scenarios

You can search a variety of collections within a single advanced search, separated by groups. The following scenarios represent use cases that are typical for Advanced Search.

Before starting an Advanced Search:

Scenario 1: Multiple queries within Message Search

In the example shown below, the query is set up to return results for the following scope:

  • An email sent to Ted Barker has either "credit card", "bank account", or "SSN" in the subject line
  • Independently of the above, an email that has "credit card", bank account" and SSN in the body (sent to anybody)

This means that the following scenarios would not return any results:

  • An email with "credit card" in the subject line sent to only Brenda Turner
  • An email with only "bank account" and "SSN" in the body but not "credit card"
  • Attachments that meet the scope criteria
For information on some parameters in the Advanced Search dialog box, click the Help button.
It is important to follow the lines demarcating each group in order to determine if Any Of or All Of applies to a query. Some of the operators in your query may not have any effect until there is more than one rule in your group. For more information, see About Boolean Operators.

Scenario 2: Attachment and Document Search

In the example shown below, the query is set up to return results for the following scope:

  • An attachment matching the filename "invoice" sent/received before July 1, 2020.
  • Independently of the above, files containing the word "accounting" stored in any document repository other than email

This means that the following scenarios would not return any results:

  • An email matching the filename "invoice" sent/received before July 1, 2020
  • Files containing the word "accounting" attached to an email
In NetGovern Search, any dates related to attachments correspond to email dates. Therefore, your attachment search must be included within a Message collection where you also have a rule searching for email dates.
It is important to follow the lines demarcating each group in order to determine if Any Of or All Of applies to a query. Some of the operators in your query may not have any effect until there is more than one rule in your group. For more information, see About Boolean Operators.

Scenario 3: Multiple queries within Federated Search

Federated Search is an aggregated search that looks for results across all Collection types.

In the example shown below, the query is set up to return results for the following scope:

  • Protected Health Information (PHI) that has a Confidence Score Range of at least 50%
  • This PHI must also have been sent by Brenda Turner and be larger than 50MB
  • This PHI must also not contain the word "xray"

This means that the following scenarios would not return any results:

  • Data that does not meet the precise criteria for PHI, whether or not it contains health or medical information—see Classification Models.
  • Files pertaining to xrays, even though they may be considered PHI
  • Any PHI received by Brenda and in her mailbox or document repositories, but not sent by Brenda
Because this search scope uses only the AND operator, search results will be narrowed down and should return exactly what you are looking for.
It is important to follow the lines demarcating each group in order to determine if Any Of or All Of applies to a query. Some of the operators in your query may not have any effect until there is more than one rule in your group. For more information, see About Boolean Operators.