Release Notes - Version 6.5.2

Driven by a mission for better governance, faster insights, and Smarter Discovery, this new IPRO Information Governance (IG) release (formerly NetGovern) with AI continues our focus on the enhancements and issues customers ask about most. Please contact IPRO Support to schedule an upgrade consultation—


New Features

Custodian-based Legal Hold API – Enables your developers to access custodian-based legal hold through the API, using the case’s search parameters and date range.

Live Legal Hold Agent – All Live Legal Hold archiving jobs have been aggregated under one agent including live archive jobs for files, email, and instant messages. *This requires a new license type, please work with your Sales Rep prior to the upgrade.

Legal Hold Search Location – When in Search, each Legal Hold sub-location was displayed independently. These have been aggregated under one node which allows users to select results across sub-locations.

IM: Scope Restrictions Policy – Added additional search scope control for increased granularity for filtering workspaces, channels, and users within the Slack and Teams connectors. This includes the ability to include or exclude users, channels, and workspaces live from indexing.


Change Requests

Additional Search Export Option – Added the ability to choose between .7z or .zip when exporting search data.

Improved Search Performance – Addressed performance issues where search would error when trying to list more than 50k users.

Search Tagging Improvements – When tagging documents, the application now allows the selection of more than 5k documents at a time, removing the restriction on the number of documents that can be tagged at one time.

Export Performance Improvements – Addressed performance and scalability of large exports including PST, Load, CSV, PDF, etc., up to 4x faster from version 6.5.1.

Improved Connector Reliability – When attempting to reach connectors, jobs were aborting or timing out. Now, timeout issues are corrected and are more reliably handled for consistent data access.


Resolved Issues


MACPR-9126 – When connecting to external sources with the HTTPClient, the connection was ignoring the web proxy. This has been updated to allow the connection to be successful.

MACPR-9119 – When running File Indexing jobs against OneDrive, jobs would fail when trying to process external accounts, internal accounts, or accounts that were not set up. These types of accounts are no longer included when running indexing jobs.


MACPR-9133 – Cancelling the export/promotion job from the Export Management Console now stops the process.


MACPR-8853 – Updated Windows msi installer to no longer trigger self-repair process.

MACPR-9139 – Enhanced the reliability for OneDrive File indexing jobs.

MACPR-9137 – Addressed performance issues for running classifications jobs.

MACRP-9180 – Increased performance and reliability of the User and Identity sync jobs.

MACPR-9196 – Addressed performance issues for syncing users within groups.

MACPR-9189 – Improved install deployments for Azure environments.

MACPR-9176 – Improved handling of Legal Hold and Case Management for renamed custodians.

MACPR-9043 – Fixed a display issue where the filter value for configuring an ‘Archive Lifecycle’ job was being obstructed.

MACPR-9142 – Updated AI cluster to prevent classification jobs from going out of sync.

MACPR-9089 – Improved handling for archive jobs to identify disabled users.

MACPR-9058 – Updated archive lifecycle and indexing jobs to enable selection of unlimited users.