Audit Info Tab

The Audit Info tab is where you enter basic information about the new audit you are creating. Once you have completed the fields on this tab, you must also select at least one location on the Locations & People of Interest tab to conduct your search. A location is where the data you want to search resides. You can also choose to complete the fields in the other tabs before saving your audit. However, you can always edit your audit at any time.

The Audit Info tab also gives you the option of having all your audit data automatically loaded when you first open your new audit. IPRO Search will search for all documents that are covered by the scope of your audit and display the first items. If your audit is large, this may take a bit longer. You can also choose to display only documents when you actually perform your first search.

All of the parameters on this tab are designed for convenience and efficiency when handling audits, and can be adjusted at installation by the administrator. Also, some options in the Status, Audit Class, Audit Type, and Audit Sub Type menus may have been added to, removed, or changed by your administrator.





Indicates the types of audit you created: Compliance, Forensic, or Supervision.


The name of your new audit.


The description of your new audit which will help you differentiate your audit when viewing them in the Audit Management dashboard.


Lets you set the status of the audit. When editing an audit, you can apply the Opened or Closed status.

Audit Class

Lets you choose the category for the new audit.

Default options include: Claim, Litigation, Non-Litigation, and Potential Claim. Additional options may be available.

Open Date

The date on which you opened the audit.

Audit Type

Lets you select the audit type, such as General Liability, Intellectual Property, or Employment.

Audit Sub Type

Lets you select a audit sub type, such as Workplace.

Close Date

Lets you enter a close date if and/or when the audit is closed.

Created By

The email address of the audit manager creating the audit. This is a read-only field that is automatically filled with the audit manager's email.

Approved By

Lets you enter the name or email address of the person who originally approved the request for legal hold (ediscovery) or audit.

Requested By

Lets you enter the name or email address of the person who requested the audit.

Closed By

Lets you enter the email address of the person who is closing the audit. This may not be applicable during audit creation but rather during audit editing.

Internal Audit Number

Lets you enter an internal audit identification number that can be referenced by IT, legal counsel, or anyone else in the organization.

Audit Number

This is a read-only number that is automatically generated and used for tagging; it is not linked to the internal audit number.

Quarantine Root Location

The storage location in which quarantined audit data is stored.

Load all audit data on launch

Automatically loads the audit data when you first open a new audit. If you do not select this option, you can select the data you need for your audit after you open the audit.

NOTE: It may take a few moments for the audit to load, depending on its size.