About Email Business Records

A business record, electronic or otherwise, provides evidence of a company’s business-related activities, events, and transactions. Business records are retained according to their on-going business, legal, compliance, operational, and historic value to the company.

From a legal perspective, the process of formally defining, properly identifying, and effectively retaining electronic business records is one of the most important email management activities your organization can undertake.

Your ability to search email business records (business critical email) can have an enormous impact on your organization’s assets, reputation, and future should you one day find yourself battling a workplace lawsuit. Here are some examples of important business records.

Record Type



Emails, letters and other communications about finance.

Financial records (general accounting, banking, creditors, debtors, taxes, stock records, expenses, payments, payroll, assets).


Governing documents, meeting minutes, strategic plans,reports (monitoring and evaluation), contracts and agreements, media releases, promotional materials.

Once organization's policies have been clearly defined, you can begin implementing them with ARCHIVE. But before doing so, it may be helpful to review some possible deployment scenarios—see Scenarios.