Generate, Print, and Save a Context Search Report

The Context Search Report provides a summary of search results from a current search conducted using the search bar, Advanced Search, or a saved search, for online evaluation and/or printing.

Search results are highlighted in the fields selected to display in the report, and a summary of the search is presented at the end of the report. Other options exist, such as which tags to include, footer content, and how large amounts of text are presented.

NOTE: The report will display results based on the user permissions of the person running the report (that is, reporting on those tags and records they have permissions to see).

Generate a Context Search Report

  1. Double-click on the Eclipse SE Desktop icon.

  2. Select a Client and Case and click Open.

  3. In Eclipse SE Desktop, perform a search of interest. See Overview: Search for details on searching.

  4. With the Search Results tab active, click the Eclipse SE button in the top-left corner of the Eclipse SE Desktop work area. On the Eclipse SE menu, click Reports. On the sub-menu, click the Context Search Report option.

  5. In the left pane’s Available Fields column, double-click each field name to be included in the report. The field names move to the Report Fields column.

  6. TIP: Field data is “stacked” (top to bottom in the report) in the order shown in the Report Fields column. You can add fields in the order desired, or re-order the fields after they are added as explained in the next step.

  7. Once fields are added, use the following buttons and options as needed for tasks a - d.

    1. To change the order of the fields as they will appear in the report, select a field name in the Report Fields column and click the up or down buttons. (see previous tip.)

    2. To sort the report contents on a field other than the one selected by default (indicated with a red “S” in the Report Fields column), select the desired field, then the Sort option. The default sort field varies depending on the types of fields you select for the report.

    3. To change the default context settings, select a field for which the context setting is to change, and select or clear the Context  option. To see examples of the Context Option when it is checked or unchecked, click Closedhere.

      Context Option Checked

      The following figure shows the first three search “hits” in a very long field when the Context option is set. Here, the number of context words is ten – five words precede and five words succeed the search term.

      Context Option Not Checked

      This following figure shows two of the search hits in the very long field when the Context option is not set. This demonstrates how a report’s size can be managed by using the Context option.

    4. Select/change other report options as needed. ClosedClick here to view the report options.

  8. Click Generate Report. The report is generated in the right portion of the screen.

  9. View and navigate through the report using the toolbar buttons and features.

    • First: Go to first page of report.

    • Prev: Go to previous page of report.

    • Next: Go to next page of report.

    • Last: Go to last page of report.

    • Document # of ##: Currently visible document and total documents in the report. The total represents the number of records containing the search term or phrase (not a page number).

    • Print: Print the report.

    • Save: Save the report to a file in Rich Text Format (RTF).

  10. When finished, click Close Window.

Print or Save a Context Search Report

To print or save a Context Search Report:

  1. Complete Generate a Context Search Report. Note particularly the print-related options in the left pane of the Context Report dialog box to set up the report to meet your needs.

  2. To print the report:

    1. On the report toolbar, click Print and complete the Print dialog box. For details on printer options, refer to the printer manufacturer’s documentation.

    2. Click OK.

  3. To save the report in an RTF (Rich-Text Format) file:

    1. On the report toolbar, click Save.

    2. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the location to which the file should be saved and enter a filename.

    3. Click OK.

  4. When finished, click Close Window.


Related Topics

Overview: Reports