Import Production History


If you have image files from a production job created in an application other than Eclipse SE Administration, importing them using the following procedure will make them available for display in Eclipse SE Desktop in the Production History tab. (Images or PDF files created as described in are automatically available in that tab.)

Import Procedure

To import production history files:

  1. Getting started:

    1. Before you begin, make sure production files are available to the computer on which the import will be performed. For example, if they are in a network location, ensure that the Administration computer has access to that location.

    2. Identify (or create) the case into which the files will be imported.

  2. Log in to Eclipse SE Administration as a Super Administrator.

  3. In the navigation panel, expand the Import/Export menu and click Import Production History.

  4. Review the Import Production History workspace and ensure you have needed information. For example, make sure you know which delimiters are used in the image load file.

  5. Select the needed client and case; complete workspace entries as described in the following steps.

  6. Cross Reference File: Enter the path to, or click and navigate to, the needed cross-reference file. Cross-reference files map original image keys to those created during production and may be in one of the following formats: .XFS, .XFD, .CSV, .TXT, or .DAT. These files may be manually created (such as ASCII delimited text files) or may come from another Ipro application (such as Ipro Build).

  7. Image Load File: Enter the path to, or click and navigate to, the needed production image load file. This is the load file created during production (an .LFP or .OPT file), which identifies records by the produced image key.

  8. Delimiters: Select the delimiters used in the image load file.

    • Field: Select the character that separates each field.

    • Quote: This optional delimiter typically marks the beginning and end of a field (as in .CSV files).

  9. Production Name: Enter a meaningful name for the set of production images. This name is listed in Eclipse SE Desktop on the Production History tab and also in the Administration Production History tab (should you want to produce a case based on an imported production).

  10. Date Produced: The current date is automatically added; enter a different date if needed. This date displays in the Administration Production History tab.

  11. Evaluate the sample data to ensure it represents case data as expected. If not, review your cross-reference and load files and the delimiters defined. Make changes as needed.

  12. When data appears correctly, click Import Production Job.

  13. After the import completes, complete the following steps as needed:

    • Click View Log File to check details of the import.

    • Check the production history images on the Production History tab in Eclipse SE Desktop.

  14. Inform your users that the production history images are available in the case and explain proper use of these files in their case review.


Related Topics

Overview: Import/Export