Import Documents

You can import documents from the Documents Explorer. To import documents, open the Documents Explorer in the case you want to import documents to and follow the instructions below:

  1. From the dashboard, click the Fact Management module.

  2. Select the Case Story tab in the left navigation panel.

  3. Open the needed case by double-clicking the case name in the Cases table. Alternatively, you can select the appropriate case name, then click the Open Case button in the ribbon bar above the table.

  4. Open the Documents Explorer by selecting the Documents tab on the left side of the page.

  5. Click the Import button in the Documents Explorer ribbon bar.

    The Import Documents dialog appears.

  6. Click the Browse button in the dialog.

    The file explorer appears.

  7. Navigate to the supported batch import file type.

    Supported file types include:

    • .OLL

    • .MDB

    • .LFP

    • .LOG

    An import file might look like this:

  8. Select and open the file.

  9. The path to the file now appears in the Import Documents dialog.

  10. Click the Save button.

  11. The documents are imported into the case and appear in the Documents Explorer.


Note: You may also drag load files directly from your desktop to the Documents Explorer.


Related Topics

Overview: Documents

Add Documents to a Case

Export Document Data